Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Sand Witch Review - Introduction.

Welcome to the Sand Witch Review! This is where your host reviews movies, games, and whatever the hell I want. But first, here are the rules. The first is that I review things based on a one through five scale. If I rate a movie as a one then don't see it period. Not only will it waste an hour and a half away from your life but it'll waste even more time on the ways you wish you could kill the producers of that film. For movies that I rate a five, that means that if I rate it a five and you don't watch or play it then I will hunt you down and eat you. Although it may take me years to accomplish this, one day I will! Also for movies or games I rate a five I will give detailed reasons why it is deserving of such a title.

Now it's time for the second rule, I want your input. I will admit that I do not know everything so I do some times come to the wrong conclusion based on my own personal prejudices. When this occurs I ask that you sent me your own personal ideas on what can be improved or modified. Keep in mind if I am opinionated about a certain topic then I will challenge you on your beliefs. However I can always promise I try to look at both sides of the conversation, as long as you are able to treat me with the same respect.

Now it's time for the third rule. While my movie watching varies in a whole bunch of directions, I'm a pretty isolated gamer. Because of this most of my reviews will be about movies. However I will also review jrpg's as they are the type of games I like. Yes I know I'm a nerd shut up. Now here's where you come in. I need you, my loyal fans, to help me choose movies or games to review. If you choose video games remember a video game takes a lot of time to fully get through and as well cost a lot more money then the average movie. I am willing to review anything from good to bad. Please note however it will take time to track down the movies and watch them.

Now here's my final rule, enjoy this. I am writing this because I enjoy giving reviews. For some reason typing makes me really happy, however when I try to focus it on a story I can never complete it. In order for me to be truly happy however I want others to enjoy this as well. It's the reason why I want to interact with fans so much. Alright then, I said all that needs to be said. If you have any questions, please let me know as soon as you read this. Other then that, again welcome to the Sand Witch Review.

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