Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sand Witch Review - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Welcome to the Sand Witch Review. I'm Mattysandwich and here is my review. Alright so as you know by now my mind tends to be drifting in the sea of fantasy. In this vast world of magic and mystery there are Japanese role playing games, fantasy books, and finally, movies based on fantasy books. One of the most successful movie series based on one of the most successful book series is Harry Potter, to which I have the pleasure of reviewing the Half Blood Prince movie.

Now since it would be unfair to review the sixth movie of a franchise without reviewing the first five, allow me to give a fast recap of my personal opinions of the movies. The first one was breath taking, I mean it was magical. Of course, since I saw the first one as a child I guess my opinion is a tad biased due to my innocent state at the time. The next movie was okay. Again this is when I began to gain more of an opinion so I didn't just like everything I saw. The third one I didn't like solely because I actually read that book and I felt it did a bad job explaining things. Then we got to the fourth one. Holy shit was the fourth one amazing. It had great action, great special effects, and the beginning of Voldemort. That was what really set the bar for me on what a good Harry Potter movie should be. And then we got to five where I felt it was too much build up for a lame battle scene. Alright since I got all my other reviews out of the way, let me talk to you about the one I actually wanted to mention.

So let me start off by saying that for some reason the music felt off about this movie. I don't why this was, but there was definitely something off about it. I mean, it didn't even start off with the actual Harry Potter theme, you hear it like seven minutes in. That bothered me a lot. When you make a successful franchise, you have to keep some patterns the same. When you choose to break the patterns when the series is coming to an end, why? Oh well I think I'm getting overly worked up about one minor detail so let me work on another one.

Alright so let me start off by saying I loved the characters of Harry Potter. I mean when I say love, I mean I would give off half of my immortal soul so that these characters could come to life. I would give more but I need the other half to wish for the same thing with Kingdom Hearts. Anyways let me start off with the characters I liked the most, Bellatrix and Luna. Bellatrix has a place in my heart because she's evil. Not like the cruel, plan to take over the world evil, oh no that's too simple. No, she's the laughs sadistically as she blows shit up kind of evil. I mean, it's these characters that make me smile. My reason for doing so is because they make evil look fun because they enjoy it so much. Plus the actress who played this part mastered the character as she truly looks like what the character was meant to be. My next favorite character is Luna for similar reasons. I'm not saying that Luna's evil, she's just crazy. I mean, can you really say if you saw a girl like her walking by doing something Luna would do you wouldn't chuckle away at how crazy she is? The worst part is she isn't crazy, she's right! Also again I love the actress that plays her because she delivers all of her lines so melancholy. It's like nothing she does bothers her or makes her feel uncomfortable, so why should you be awkward?

The romance was also fun in this movie. However it did seem to focus on the romance too much which made me wonder if anyone was going to propose. Again one of the major romances focused on in the movie was Hermione and Ron and how Ron gets an overly obsessed girlfriend which makes Hermione all emotional. Wow if only she had the balls to just tell Ron that she was into him while she was staying at his house. That would have hit things off smoothly. Also in the movie Harry Potter wants in on the romance as well as he suddenly has his eyes on Ron's sister Jenny. Now wait a minute! Wasn't Harry after that Asian chick in the last two movies when did he change to gingers? Oh well I guess the movie figured that we either wouldn't notice or care as it keeps forcing into our minds that Harry likes Jen and after a while I just gave up. Anyways the romance was nice however I can't help but think that it was meant to counter the ever rising population of obsessed teenage girls who love Twilight because of its romance. But I digress, I'll tackle that abomination another time.

Alright now let's talk about Albus Dumbledore. As we all know, Dumbledore dies in this movie. Didn't know it, ha I spoiled something now live your lives in fear! Anyways as I was saying due to the dying of one of Harry Potter's famous and most powerful characters, there were a lot of scenes including him. Now these are the scenes in which make the movie awesome. The reason being that Albus is awesome. I mean, this guy was spectacular. He's so kind that young kids could think of him as Santa Claus and in many ways he actually was. He always showed kindness and love to all of his students, had great respect on both sides, and even had a bit of fun in him. Not to mention that he was in fact the most powerful wizard ever alive. Now when Dumbledore died, it was heart breaking. Although I didn't cry, I wanted to. This was one of my most prized characters and one of my favorite childhood friends. Now, he's one with the planet. Rest in peace good sir, rest in peace. Also the scene where all the wizards raise their wands and cast Lumos was also very heart warming. Finally my favorite thing about Dumbledore is that he had a pheonix called Fox that flew away into the morning sun. That was a beautiful image.

Now it's time for me to end this review. Overall, I seriously enjoyed it. Although I mentioned a lot of things that I didn't like, frankly there were a lot of things I liked as well. The acting was perfect, the effects were amazing, and the story line made sense. Over all I'm giving this movie a four out of five. Again this may be because of my biased feelings and of the fact it's going to be Micheal Gambon's last performance, in reality I don't think so. To me, this movie was meant to be the lead up to the seventh and final chapter and it did that well. It didn't try to be it's own story like the other movies because it wasn't supposed to. And like I said it's still not as good as the fourth one, at least it was better then the fifth. This has been a Sand Witch Review, and until next time, your time is out.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen this movie yet. I hated the book, so I'm not particularly interested.
